1. Introduction to Crystal ball

1st. Predicting modeling also called forecasting which analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future events, this helps us to enhance the accuracy of your forecast

2nd. Risk and scenario modeling ( simulation) models future states to derive the likelihood of desired future state and the influence of the key drivers, and quantifies the risk in each of scenarios under consideration. This method helps to the quality of your forecast.

3rd. Decision modeling (optimization) finds the best settings for the controllable key drivers to improve the likelihood of researching the preferred future state. This improves the projected financial outcomes.

Cristal ball is an excel application. it´s simply added as a Ribbon to excel in 200. The cristal ball Ribbon is divided into sections.  Here is the interface.

The core functionality of crystal ball around risk analysis and montecarlo simulation is easy to explain using a very sample demonstration. If we have for example a forecast revenue of 100 and expenses of 90, then our profit should be 10. Then we could make another "pessimistic scenario" where our revenue are 90 and the expenses are 95, so we will have a profit of -5. However with Cristal ball we can make 100.000 simulations in just some seconds, having an outcome with important data.

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